Hugh Grant On His Fitness Routine & Conversing With The Queen About The Paparazzi

In “Did You Hear About The Morgans?,” the normally well-dressed Hugh Grant strips down to a very uncharacteristic shorts and T-shirt look.

Hugh shows off some toned legs and fit forearms in his new film, and Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush found out how the heartthrob got them in shape.

“I have a wonderful Swedish girl, she’s a model, who takes me to the park, thrice a week,” Hugh told Billy of his workout routine.

Hugh said his toned frame is the result of a blood pumping workout.

”[She] throws sticks for me like a dog and makes me pick up heavy things and it has made me a bit butcher than I used to be,” he explained.

While workouts get the Brit revved up, it’s something else entirely that gets his blood boiling – the paparazzi.

In fact, Hugh revealed he once badmouthed the snappers during a chat with Britain’s Queen.

“I was introduced to The Queen. She was charming and I said — I was a bit drunk – I said, ‘Do you ever get annoyed by paparazzi? Do you ever get tempted to whack them with your bag?’” he revealed. “And she said (in a Queen-style voice), ‘No I don’t and don’t tell Harry.’ Because of course, her grandson, Harry, feels the same way as I do about paps and often gives them a whack.”

Hugh expressed sympathy with the Royal Family, who are increasing paparazzi targets, due in part to the love lives of The Queen’s grandsons, William and Harry.

“They’ve certainly made the life of her family a bit of a misery,” Hugh said of the paps Royal Family focus. “She’s just got tough about it recently because one of her homes out in Kent, they put their long lenses over the walls and take pictures.They’re really just trying to get Prince William and [his longtime girlfriend], Kate Middleton.”

As for his own troubles with the paparazzi, Hugh made light of some of the things he’s done in the past when he’s found photographers in places he didn’t quite expect.

“Well our understanding is that I hit them, I kick them and then I get arrested. It’s happened twice in the last two years. That works quite well,” he told Billy sarcastically.

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